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添加日期:2018-10-25 作者: 来源: 点击次数:关闭








(1)Yunbo Wang; Qi Jiang; Zhiming Yang; Wei Sun*; Deli Wang. Effects ofWater and Nitrogen Addition on Ecosystem Carbon Exchange in a Meadow Steppe,PLoS ONE, 2015. 10(5)

(2)Yunbo Wang; Bo Meng; Shangzhi Zhong; Deli Wang; Jianying Ma; Wei Sun. Aboveground biomass and root/shoot ratio regulated drought susceptibility of ecosystem carbon exchange in a meadow steppe, Plant and Soil, 2018, 432(9): 259-272

(3)Yunbo Wang; Deli Wang; Baoku Shi; Wei Sun. Differential effects of grazing, water and nitrogen addition on soil respiration and its components ina meadow steppe, Plant and Soil, 2020, 447(1): 581-598.

(4)Yunbo Wang; Qingge Zhao; Zhongwu Wang; Guodong Han. Overgrazing leads to decoupling of precipitation patterns and ecosystem carbon exchange in the desert steppe through changing community composition, Plant and Soil, 2023.

(5)王赟博,孙宇,赵清格,张彬,赵萌莉.阴山北麓农牧交错区退耕地草地生态系统碳交换及水分利用效率.生态学报,2022, 42(12): 4922-4932.

(6) Haiying Cui;Yunbo Wang; Qi Jiang; Shiping Chen; Jianying Ma; Wei Sun.Carbon Isotope Composition of Nighttime Leaf-Respired CO2in the Agricultural Pastoral Zone of the Songnen Plain, Northeast China, PLoS ONE, 2015. 10(9)

(7) Baoku Shi;Yunbo Wang; Bo Meng; Shangzhi Zhong; Wei Sun. Effects ofNitrogen Addition on the Drought Susceptibility of the Leymus chinensis MeadowEcosystem Vary with Drought Duration, frontiers in plant science, 2018. 9(254)

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